Financial Services and Support

Services Australia – Financial Information Service (FIS)
Call us on 132 300 and say ‘Financial Information Service’ when we ask why you’re calling. A FIS Officer will answer your call.

• Call us on 132 300 and say ‘Financial Information Service’

FIS can talk to you about your retirement options. FIS can help you plan no matter when you plan to retire, tomorrow or in 20 years. You can get information online or talk to a FIS Officer. They can show you ways to build a stronger financial future in retirement.

Uniting Kildonan – North Eastern Financial Counselling Program
Uniting Kildonan offers a range of free services for people experiencing financial difficulties. Financial counselling can provide an assessment of your financial position, assist in prioritising bills and debts, provide information about rules and laws about payment obligations, assist to negotiate with creditors and set up payment arrangements, budgeting and money management support, and provide referrals to other specialised services.
• Phone: 1800 685 682

Centrelink – Services Australia
Centrelink is a government service which provides financial support to the Australian community who face financial hardship. Centrelink delivers payments and services for retirees, the unemployed, families, carers, parents, people with disabilities, Indigenous Australians, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. To check your eligibility for support from Centrelink please visit the Services Australia website below.

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Tax is money people and businesses pay to the Australian Government to provide a good health care system, quality education, roadworks and upgrades and a variety of community facilities. Understanding taxes greatly avoids missing deductions and finding yourself with outstanding tax debts. Before starting work, we recommend you speak to the ATO. ATO issue TFNs to individuals, businesses and other organisations for identification and record keeping purposes.

National Debt Helpline (NDH)
The NDH provides a free financial counselling telephone service to help people manage their debts and get their finances under control. They can also put you in touch with other services such as legal services, crisis food and accommodation services, and health services.
• Phone: 1800 007 007

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
The AFCA handles complaints about banks, credit unions, building societies, life insurance companies, superannuation providers, financial planners, and multiple other financial institutions. AFCA assist consumers and small businesses to reach agreements with financial firms about how to resolve a dispute.
• Phone: 1800 931 678