Whittlesea Anti-Racism Community Project Report

October 17, 2022

In this report we present the key findings from a place-based research and community engagement project, Speaking out against racism: an Anti-Racism Roadmap for Whittlesea, conducted in 2021-2022 by Victoria University (VU) in partnership with, and funded by, Whittlesea Community Connections (WCC). We engaged with local service providers and community organisations and deeply listened to the experiences and knowledge of Whittlesea’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, multicultural and multi-faith communities to understand their experiences of racism and how to improve reporting pathways and support services for those impacted by racism.


The findings and learnings from this research and community engagement process informed the development of a Roadmap, a set of recommendations on how to improve reporting and support services for those in Whittlesea impacted by racism. WCC will continue to work with community members and organisations to implement the Roadmap. If you would like to be involved or to find out more please contact eantonetti@whittleseacc.org.au

Click the image below to view or download the Whittlesea Anti-Racism Community Report.

Posted in: General Update