
Strategic Directions 2022+

January 19, 2022

We are proud to announce that we have finalised our Strategic Directions 2022+.

Through a series of planning sessions with WCC staff and Board it was decided that WCC continue its focus on the same directions, using prior learning and progress in these areas to reframe intended outcomes. WCC also recognises its role in response to these complex social issues in relation to working with local partners, specialist services and peak bodies.

While Multiculturalism and Equity of Access are not specific directions in the new plan, they underpin WCC’s approach, objectives and long-term outcomes and as such are embedded in each of the strategic directions. In addition, as climate change increasingly impacts on our local community, WCC will more deliberately undertake actions to mitigate risks across multiple strategic directions.

Our 5 key directions are below, and work alongside our equity of access lens and an emerging climate change focus:

  1. People have access to safe, secure and affordable housing
  2. Women achieve equitable life outcomes and are safe from violence
  3. Young People have a sense of belonging & voice in their community
  4. There is equitable access to employment opportunities within a sustainable local economy
  5. People lead healthy lives connected to community and service

Click below to read our Strategic Direction

Posted in: General Update