Revegetation and restoration

August 15, 2022

We are working to care for and restore the grasslands and woody grasslands of the farm, and contribute to environmental health regionally. These projects are welcoming volunteers all year round.

Our projects include:

  • Restoration along Curly Sedge Creek –  Revegetation will begin following Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Narrap Unit Rangers’ work. Restoration centres on improving the creek’s ecological health, and creating suitable habitat for Curly Sedge and Growling Grass Frog.
  • Establishing a native grassland Seed Production Area – Seeds will be collected from Galgi Ngarrk and surrounds. These seeds will either be grown out as tubestock for revegetation or grown out on a large scale to harvest more seeds in future. Revegetation is limited regionally by the small quantities of seed available. We are aiming to increase seed supply and therefore increase revegetation.
  • Restoration in Galgi Ngarrk, Melbourne’s largest grassland – WCC is working alongside Parks Victoria to propagate and reintroduce key species into a high value areas in Galgi Ngarrk. This will be done by collecting seeds from Galgi Ngarrk and growing out stock at our seed production area to be reintroduced as tubestock or via directly spreading seeds.

To volunteer or get involved, email

Posted in: General Update