
Volunteer in an Emergency

Want to volunteer in an emergency?

If you are interested in helping to respond to a local emergency please express your interest by registering your details here or contact the contact centre on 9401 6666.

Register your interest below:

Volunteer in an Emergency

Fill in this form to register your interest in volunteering during an emergency.

  • Your details

    Your information will be stored confidentially on our agency database and used for provision of service and may also be used for research. Your name and details will not be included in reporting.
    Please use the comment box option if you prefer to self-describe.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
    Please use the comment box option if you prefer to self-describe.
  • Contact details

  • Culture, language and identity

    Please use the comment box option if your main language spoken at home is not listed.
  • Emergency contact information

  • Experience, skills and abilities

  • How can you help?

    Tick as many as you like
  • Privacy Statement

    I authorise Whittlesea Community Connections to release information to volunteer organisations in order to obtain a volunteer position and give consent to my details being entered into their database and a Federal Government DSS Data Exchange database to be used for statistical purposes and service evaluations. Also, I provide consent to be contacted in future for survey, research and evaluation purposes. Your name and details will not be included in reporting.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.