CALD Communities FV Project

The Whittlesea CALD Communities Family Violence Project (WCFVP) has been working to prevent and respond to family violence in the City of Whittlesea for the last five years.

During that time, many lessons have been learnt implementing the project and captured in this WCFVP community resource. The resource includes a model summary (for other community based agencies looking to do similar work) in addition to project implementation lessons and findings.

Click here to view or download the file.

Whittlesea CALD Communities Family Violence Project – Scoping report

The WCFVP was designed following a scoping exercise that incorporated a review of international literature with extensive consultation with survivors of violence, community representatives and support agencies.It works across prevention, early intervention and response, aligning with the Victorian Framework for Primary Prevention of Violence against Women and the recently released Second Action Plan for the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children. Click the image above to read the Scoping Report.


WCFVP: New Community Resource

The Whittlesea CALD Communities Family Violence Project (WCFVP) has been working to prevent and respond to family violence in the City of Whittlesea for the last five years. During that time, many lessons have been learnt implementing the project and captured in this WCFVP community resource. The resource includes a model summary (for other community based agencies looking to do similar work) in addition to project implementation lessons and findings.
Click here to view or download the file.

WCC Family Violence Monitor: Facts & Statistics

More than 100 new people presented themselves to WCC seeking help with regards to Family Violence (FV) in the last six months (1st January 2017 – 30th June 2017). Family Violence is recognised to be a serious and widespread problem in the municipality of Whittlesea, with enormous individual and community impacts and social costs.​However this significant social problem is also ultimately preventable. But to prevent Family Violence we first need to understand it.
Click here and get informed with the latest statistics and facts from our Family Violence Monitor.

WCC Participation in ‘Family Violence and Alcohol as a Trigger’ Webinar

In October 2017 our CEO, Alex Haynes, participated in the ‘Family Violence and Alcohol as a Trigger’ Webinar presented by Australian Safe Communities Foundation and Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand. Alex presented the Whittlesea CALD Family Violence Project (WCFVP) that brings together a range of key local agencies to design, deliver and evaluate an integrate model to reduce and prevent Family Violence in Whittlesea’s CALD Communities.
Follow the link to access the webinar: