Whittlesea CALD Women’s Group Grants Program:
This program was originally established in 2014 as a key element of the Whittlesea CALD Family Violence Project. This project took a whole of community approach working to prevent and respond to family violence in the City of Whittlesea. The Whittlesea CALD Women’s Group Grants Program increases CALD women’s social connectedness through participation in groups. The connections that women gain through group programs are vital to enabling women to access information about their rights and services and increase their confidence to seek and obtain support.
Currently 2021 groups have been selected. If you have any enquiries about this program or next round of applications please contact Toni Bentley via email tbentley@whittleseacc.org.au or call 9401-6666.
Multicultural FV COVID-19 Program:
This 2 year funded (August 2020 – August 2022) project aims to build the knowledge and capability of CALD communities and groups within the LGA in early intervention and prevention of Family Violence. Through consultation with community leaders, development of the Community Leader Working Group (CLWG), delivery of training to CLWG, CLWG developing prevention activities to deliver to the wider Multicultural community. A part of the CLWG is the Women’s Advisory Group whose main function is assessing the new Women’s Group Grant applications.
Additionally, the project will work to build stronger links between CALD communities, groups and Specialist Family Violence Services to improve culturally informed service delivery and accessibility. The CLWG will build links with services and coordinate a LGA Forum between FV services and CALD Communities in the City of Whittlesea.
This project will also research the current impacts of Elder Abuse on Multicultural community residing in City of Whittlesea.
Any queries in regards to this project or updates on activities available for CALD community you can contact Toni Bentley on tbentley@whittleseacc.org.au or call 9401-6666.
Sector Capacity Building Project – Multicultural & Settlement Services:
This project Whittlesea Community Connections are working in a consortia with JewishCare and AMES to support Multicultural and Settlement Services being prescribed to the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Management Framework and Information Sharing reforms in Phase 2. The purpose is to support prescribed organisations in increasing capability, skills and practice knowledge in identifying and managing family violence risk and information sharing.
Any queries in regards to this project please contact Katriece Bolden on kbolden@whittleseacc.org.au or call on 9401-6666.
Whittlesea Family Violence Network (WFVN):
The WFVN is a voluntary alliance of government and non-government organisations and workers that have a connection to the City of Whittlesea. This Network was re-established in September 2020. The WFVN is committed to the alleviation of family violence in the City of Whittlesea. WFVN hope for a community of Whittlesea that is safe, flourishing and free from violence. Meetings are bi-monthly and led by Whittlesea Community Connections.
If you are interested in being a member of the WFVN are you are a practitioner from a service within City of Whittlesea or deliver programs within the LGA please email interest to Katriece Bolden on kbolden@whittleseacc.org.au
Campaigns & Events:
Whittlesea Community Connections further work in partnership across the year in promotion of various gender equity campaigns such as International Women’s Day (8 March), Week Without Violence (third week of October), and 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (25 November – 10 December). Please keep an eye on our social media platforms and website to keep updated on events attached to these campaigns.