
Board of Management Nominations 2022

August 17, 2022

Would you like to be a part of WCC’s Board of Management? Nominations for the Whittlesea Community Connections Board are welcomed from people who live, work, study or volunteer in the City of Whittlesea and are interested in working towards the achievement of Whittlesea Community Connections’ purpose and aims. Nominations are now open for positions on the Board of Management for 2022-2023.

The role involves:

  • Making sure that we are following our mission and vision
  • Having legal responsibility for the organisation
  • Providing input into decisions made by the Board
  • Committing to a bi-monthly meeting.

The Board is interested in strengthening and widening its membership and is actively recruiting Board members with a range of skills and abilities including:
• Understanding, knowledge of and commitment to the local community which is culturally and linguistically diverse.
• Demonstrated understanding of the role of not for profit Board members
• The ability to advocate on behalf of the agency with Government at the Local, State and Federal levels
• Experience or involvement in placed based agencies or integrated service delivery or community engagement

Specific expertise being sought: Understanding of the community service sector/or the community legal sector, Advocacy, Marketing in a retail environment, Communications, social enterprise

Nominations must be made by a current member of the Association. Please contact Jackie, at, if you do not know a current member but would like to nominate.

If you would like to more about the work of the Board, please contact Emmanuel Gauci (President) at

Nominations close on Friday 16th September 2022. 

If the number of nominations exceeds the vacancies, current WCC members will vote at the Whittlesea Community Connections Annual General Meeting to be held in November.

If you would like to nominate, please complete the form below.


Posted in: Nominations